
Privacy Policy

GCG STUDIOS uses anonymous device identifiers in our games and applications so we can improve them and give the user the best possible gaming experience. It collects data data that simply allows us to discover what users prefer and what they do not like. GCG STUDIOS fully respects the user's privacy and never collects information that could be directly related to the user. GCG STUDIOS also shows publicity to finance the creation of these games. All this is governed by the following privacy policy:

PLEASE NOTE THAT BY INSTALLING, USING OR ACCESSING ANY APPLICATION OF GCG STUDIOS, YOU ACCEPT THIS PRIVACY POLICY. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS PRIVACY POLICY, PLEASE DO NOT INSTALL, USE OR HAVE ANY OTHER ACCESS TO OUR APPLICATIONS. We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at reasonable times, as well as to review the frequency. The continued use of our applications means acceptance of the changes in this Privacy Policy.

Online Accounts and Personal Information

Some applications or games may have to register an account to play. They will need a nickname, password, avatar image, email, country or other personal information. We will not sell, rent or transfer your personal information to third parties without your prior consent.

The email address will never be public to other users. It will only be used to recover a "lost" account by sending a new password, or sometimes to contact or inform users about important notices.


Some of our Apps and Games show ads. These are necessary to maintain the development of our company. For more information about the ads and about the personalized ads, check this link: Google support to the ads

Anonymous data

Advertisers who provide ads to our mobile apps can access their unique device identifier and use this to direct messages to you. GCG STUDIOS may collect and use anonymous data. We can not identify you from these data. GCG STUDIOS can use the collected data in order to analyze how our applications are used, and use the information to develop and manage our applications. GCG STUDIOS reserves the right to use the anonymous information collected by us or to disclose it to our partners. GCG STUDIOS may use the service provided by Google Analytics and / or Google Firebase. They are analysis services of Google Inc. ("Google"). Google uses the collected data to track and analyze the use of this application, to prepare reports on its activities and share them with other Google services. Google may use the collected data to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network. The personal data collected: data of cookies and how you use them.

Third Parties and Conditions

Please note that certain third parties, including but not limited to app stores, may be necessary for you to have access to our mobile applications. These third parties have their own privacy policies that GCG STUDIOS can not control. You must agree that GCG STUDIOS is not responsible for the use of your personal information.

Links to third-party websites or games

Our mobile applications are supported by advertising, which allow access to third party sites or games.

Our mobile applications provide access to social networks, communication and search functions.

Please note that if you use any of these links you will leave our application and the page you go to will not be governed by our privacy policy. We can not be responsible for the privacy of any information you provide outside of our application.

We are currently working with the following ad and data analytics companies:

Please refer to the privacy policies of these companies for information regarding their privacy policies.

Version 1.0 - Document created on January 03, 2021.

Contact: | @studiosgcg